Brief note...I have changed the title of this weekly post on the sports world from "Sports Through Glasses" to "Sports Through My Glasses".
To start off this week or so in sports I thought I would talk about 3 (three) huge transactions in the Patriots realm. Our beloved New england Patriots have traded Matt "Not-Quite-Tom-Brady-But-Still-Damn-Good-And-I-Wish-His-Name-Was-Castle" Cassel and Mike Vrabel, who, for now, actually lives in my hometown, as most people reading this would know anyway. Vrabel and Cassel were traded to the Cheifs for a second-round draft pick. I guess there comes a time when you see good players you like go, but this raises the question, do I root for the Cheifs now? No. Sorry for even asking. Good luck to Vrabel and Cassel. Go Pats! (and to a lesser degree Go Jags!)
Speaking of the Jaguars, they're all-time rushing leader, Mr. Fred Taylor, has been signed by our beloved Patriots and I couldn't be happier. Not that Morris, Green-Ellis, Maroney and Faulk couldn't get it done last year. They did a great job. But throwing in a veteran back like Taylor should really help our run game and I'm giddy at one of my favorite players not on the Pats now on the Pats. Go Pats!
Spring training for the Sox is happening folks! The White Sox are in spring training. But I don't care about them. However, the Red Sox are also in sping training, way down in the Grapefruit League in Florida. So far we've seen some good pitching by many players, especially Justin Masterson and Clay Buchholz. Though only 2-4 at the time of writing, they seem to be doing well, and with a couple players headed to the World Baseball Classic (such as AL MVP Dustin Pedroia and AL MVP 2nd runner-up Kevin Youkilis) many of the younger players will have a chance to shine and earn the last covetted roser spot for hitters.
Did I just mention the World Baseball Classic (WBC)? Why, yes. Yes I did. This year seems to be a good one with a great number of MLB players in the classic, including Roy Oswalt, Brian McCann, Derek Jeter, Ryan Braun and the aforementioned Pedroia and Youkilis for Team USA. Other players involved with other teams include Dice-K, Ortiz, A-Rod, Pudge and many other players. The first game is Thursday between Japan and China. Team USA's first game is Saturday at 2pm, and they'll be taking on Jason Bay and Team Canada.
Geoff Ogilvy beat Paul Casey this weekend at the Accenture Match Play Championship this past weekend. In what was an extremely difficult round, Ogilvy came out on top after making his way past all the other players out there. I am a fan of Match Play. It's kind of exciting to watch.
I also want to say, yeah Tom Brady for getting married. WR Houshmanzadeh was picked up by the Seahawks and I can't wait for two things. The NFL draft fantasy Baseball Draft. I'll keep you updated, don't worry.
Finally, 2 NFL players (Corey Smith and Marquis Cooper) and 2 former college football players (Nick Schuyler and William Bleakley) went out for a fishing trip off of Clearwater, FL the other day and their boat was capsized by waves. All of the men were able to get lifevests but three of the men were seperated from the boat. Thankfully, Nick Schuyler was found on the hull of the capsized boat, but the other three men are still at sea. After 18 hours in the water hypothermia becomes a major risk in cold water. The Coast Guard continues to look for them, but the probability of finding these men, never mind alive, goes down with each hour. From my own training I know that you can only survive so long without food, water and sleep. Without these three things it is very difficult to survive, even on land. Hopefully these three men are found, and soon. My thoughts and prayers go out to their families.
That's it for me today. Tune in next week for a new edition of Sports Through My Glasses.